Dr. Olivier POCH
STRASBOURG | France | Institut de Genetique et de Biologie Moleculaire et Cellulaire Strasbourg Olivier Poch

Dr O. Poch is a senior scientist (CNRS) directing a research team in the Laboratoire de Biologie et Génomique Structurales within the Institut de Génétique et Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire in Strasbourg. His major interest is in the analysis of proteins involved in "hyperstructures" (macromolecular complex, organelle, virus, relational networks…) by the bias of computational biology in the context of the post-genomic era. Dr Poch has extensive international collaborations including those with Dr. T Léveillard (Institut de la Vision, Paris), Pr. S. Bhattacharya (Institute of Ophtalmology, London) and with many laboratories involved in bioinformatics and bioanalysis in many parts of the world.