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Forschungsinstitut fuer Augenheilkunde


  1. Sauer Yannick (2022). Realtime blur simulation of varifocal spectacle lenses in virtual reality (SIGGRAPH Asia, Deagu, South Korea)
  2. Sanz Diez Pablo (2022). Motor adaptations for object size perception and grasping (SIF - Italian Society of Physiology, Bari, Italy)
  3. Gisbert Martinez Sandra (2022). L opsin expression is reduced in eyes treated with diffusers and negative lenses in the chicken model (IMC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
  4. Hosp W. Benedikt (2022). Eye-Tracking in Arthroscopic Surgery & Beyond (Symposium on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst)
  5. Gisbert Martinez Sandra (2022). Effects of the spectral energy distribution of ambient lighting on L-, M- and S-cone abundancies and emmetropization in the chicken (ARVO, Denver)
  6. Calabuig-Barroso Alejandro (2022). Model eye assessment by 3D fast-scanning peripheral refraction wavefront sensor (Unconventional Optical Imaging III, Strasbourg, France)
  7. Ohlendorf Arne (2022). Myopia Causation Hypotheses | Myopia Management Solutions (Tianjin HAIHE International Ophthalmology Forum 2022; Tianjin, China)
  8. Ohlendorf Arne (2022). Myopia Progression Management: From Bench to Bedside – Efficacy and Effectiveness of clinical interventions (FIA Insitutesseminar, Tübingen, Germany)

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  1. Neumann Antonia (2021). Einfluss von peripherer Kontrastreduktion auf die zentrale Kontrastempfindlichkeit und auf die Akkommodation (Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Aalen, Germany)
  2. Sipatchin Alexandra (2021) Impact of unconstrained head movements to scotoma and enhanced scotoma simulation in virtual-reality (VR) smooth pursuit gaming (ARVO 2021, Virtual Conference).
  3. Breher Katharina (2021). Der Zusammenhang zwischen Netzhautform und peripherer Refraktion (Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Aalen, Germany)
  4. Breher Katharina (2021). The potential of optical coherence tomography in myopia research (Alumni-Event Optometry Aalen, Benediktbeuern, Germany)
  5. Lukashova-Sanz Olga (2021) Visual search enhancement via saliency-aware augmentation in VR (Young Researchers Vision Camp, online)
  6. Breher Katharina (2021). Myopia in children – status quo and novel findings (Synologen Academy Event, Stockholm, Sweden)

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  1. Breher Katharina (2019). Wie hängen Netzhautform und Myopie zusammen? Erkenntnisse aus OCT-Scans, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Herrsching (Germany).
  2. Leube Alexander (2019). Entwicklung eines Low-Cost Photorefraktors, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Herrsching (Germany).
  3. Ohlendorf Arne (2019). (Smarte) Lösungen zur Refraktionsbestimmung, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Herrsching (Germany).
  4. Lewis Chuang (2019). Der Blick durch die “rosa-rote“ Brille: Der Einfluss der Farbglastönung auf die visuell affektive Verarbeitung. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbets-, Organisations- & Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Braunschweig (Germany).
  5. Sanz Diez Pablo (2019). Growth curves of myopia-related parameters to clinically monitor the refractive development in Chinese schoolchildren. Tianjin HAIHE International Ophthalmology Forum, Tianjin (China).
  6. Ohlendorf Arne (2019). Smart solutions to measure refractive errors of the eye – Status quo and outlook. Alumni-Event Optometry Aalen, Aalen (Germany).
  7. Ohlendorf Arne (2019). Translation into Lens Products: Insights into Lens Design and Scientific Background of ZEISS Myopia Management Lens Products. ZEISS International Myopia Symposium. (Germany).
  8. Breher Katharina (2019). The role of the choroid in myopia research. Laser World of Photonics, Munich (Germany).
  9. Sanz Diez Pablo (2019). Accommodative response following contrast adaptation. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  10. García García Miguel (2019). Peripheral 2D image quality metrics. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).

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  1. García García Miguel (2018). The effect of peripheral defocus imposition on the retinal dioptric defocus patterns for real life scenarios. VPO, Athens (Greece).
  2. Leube Alexander (2018). Adaptation to contrast in monochromatic light. VPO, Athens (Greece).
  3. Wahl Siegfried (2018). Peripheral Design of Progressive Addition Lenses and the Lag of Accommodation. Vision China, Beijing (China).
  4. Ohlendorf Arne (2018). Research and Trends in Myopia Management – Peripheral Design of Progressive Addition Lenses and the Lag of Accommodation. Tianjin International Ophthalmology Forum, Tianjin (China)
  5. Wahl Siegfried (2018). Novel optical technologies to assist the visually impaired. 119th Annual Meeting DGaO, Aalen (Germany).
  6. Rifai Katharina (2018). Habituation to progressive additional lenses – a neuronal process. 119th Annual Meeting DGaO, Aalen (Germany).
  7. Ohlendorf Arne (2018). Angewandte Forschung zur Entstehung und Entwicklung von Kurzsichtigkeit. 119th Annual Meeting DGaO, Aalen (Germany).
  8. Wahl Siegfried (2018). Model investigation on contribution of feedback in distortion induced motion adaptation. Computational and Mathematical models in Vision Workshop, MODVIS Workshop, Florida (USA)
  9. Wahl Siegfried (2018). Novel technologies: Aids for the visually impaired? New Horizons in Vision and Hearing Research, Tuebingen (Germany).
  10. Ohlendorf Arne (2018). Without light, there is no sight – Light and ocular health. 74. SBAO Fachtagung, Bern (Schweiz)

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  • Wahl Siegfried (2017). Gamification in Virtual Reality as Novel Model in Neurophthalmology. The eye and the brain, Berlin (Germany).
  • Leube Alexander (2017). Vorzeichenabhängige Reduktion der Sehschärfe unter monochromatischen Lichtbedingungen. AOO, Erlangen, Germany.
  • Schilling, Tim (2017), Messung der Steigung durch den Tuebingen Contrast Sensitivity Tests (TueCSTest). AOO, Erlangen, Germany.
  • Wahl Siegfried (2017). Trends to assist the visually impaired. Academy Weekend: Clinical Days, Stockholm (Sweden).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2017).Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality. Rotary Club Ellwangen, Aalen (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2017). The epidemiology of refraction. European Association for Vision and Eye Research Conference, Nice (France).
  • Barraza-Bernal Maria Jose (2017). Novel strategies to enhance visual performance using simulation of central vision loss for the visually impaired. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Sanz Diez Pablo (2017). Adaptation to contrast and its influence on accommodation. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Ivanov Iliya (2017). The effectiveness of EST in RP. Vision 2017, Den Haag (Netherlands).
  • Ivanov Iliya (2017). Influence of divided attention on performance fields across the retina and PRL selection. Vision 2017, Den Haag (Netherlands).
  • Rifai Katharina (2017). Die Zukunft in der Mikrochirurgie: Digitale Technologien in 3D. Retinologische Gesellschaft, Stuttgart (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2017). The impact of short wavelength light on ocular health. Sino-France-German International scientific Forum on Optics and Optometry.

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  • Schilling Tim (2016). A novel method for the assessment of the contrast sensitivity. VPO, Antwerpen (Belgium).
  • Leube Alexander (2016). Sign-dependent response of visual acuity and contrast sensitivity to spherical defocus. VPO, Antwerpen (Belgium).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2016). PRL development and correllation to areas with high attential capabilites. Neurotech, Reutlingen (Germany).
  • Ivanov Iliya V (2016). Improving visual function in neurodegenerative diseases by a battery of mobile Apps. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Dias Catarina (2016). Peripheral Retinal Image Simulation Based on Retina Shapes. EUROGRAPHICS 2016, Lisbon (Portugal).
  • Gutierrez Mlot Esteban (2016). 3D Gaze Estimation Using Eye Vergence. HEALTHINF 2016 Rome (Italy).
  • Leube Alexander (2016). Sphero-zylindrische Selbstrefraktion – Eigenständige Bestimmung der sphero-zylindrischen Refraktion mit Hilfe von Alvarez Linsen. AOO, Tübingen (Germany).

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  • Leibig Christian (2015). A pragmatic introduction to restricted boltzmann machines.  Deep Learning Meetup, (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2015). Myopia, High Myopia, Pathologic Myopia – Inducing a PRL, Low Vision Kreis, Jena (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2015). Aspekte der Messung der Refraktion bei Kindern mittels Wellenfrontaberrometrie. AOO, Jena (Germany).
  • Leube Alexander (2015). Defokuskurven in der Ophthalmologie und Optometrie – Ein Update . AOO, Jena (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2015). High Myopia and PRL. ZEISS Symposium, IMC, Wenzhou (China).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2015). Vision science and industrial innovation. Spectaculum at University of Applied Science Furtwangen in Villingen-Schwenningen
  • Habtegiorgis Selam (2015). Adaptation to spatially varying distortions. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2015). Accelarating the innovation process in research. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Leube Alexander (2015). Defokuskurven zur Ermittlung der  Schärfentiefe des menschlichen Auges. Sommerkolloquium EAH Jena (Germany).

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  • Ohlendorf Arne (2014). Defokuskurven in der Ophthalmologie und Optometrie. AOO in Illmenau
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2014). Interventions to slow the progression of myopia. EVER, Nice (France).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2014). Industry-on-Campus: ZEISS Vision Science Lab in the Centre of Ophthalmology in Tübingen. 98. Augenärztlichen V., Tübingen (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2014). Innovation. Service Innovation symposia, Aeronautics and space research centre of Germany (DLR), Köln (Germany).

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  • Ohlendorf Arne (2013). Der horizontale und vertikale Augendrehpunkt des Auges. AOO, Darmstadt (Germany).
  • Havermann Katharina (2013). Dynamisches Sehen - Charakteristika von Kopfbewegungen bei reaktiven Blickbewegungen. AOO, Darmstadt (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2013). Industrial innovation vs. academic research: Friends or foes? MicroTec Südwest Fachgruppe in Lenzkirch
  • Wahl Siegfried (2013). ZEISS at a glance. Bernstein Conference, Tuebingen (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2013). Industrial innovation vs. academic research: Friends or foes? YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).

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  • Wahl Siegfried (2012). Open Innovation and Lean Innovation. Photonics BW symposia, Aalen (Germany).

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